Singing Potatoes
Friday, 4 October 2002
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TANJ! My blog has been up for over a year. Karen's has been up for just over a month. She's got a whole bunch of regular readers who didn't already know her from off the 'Net. Harrumph. (Yeah, okay, so I'm boring.)

In response to her readership's requests, though, I added a commenting system to my weblog software. Of course, this brings up the issue of trolls, so Karen wants a way to ban trolls if necessary (ultimately a fruitless endeavour; people on dialup accounts can't be banned by IP address, and even people with static IP addresses can always use redirectors. Cookie-based schemes can easily be defeated, too). Hmmm. What to do?

Now if I can only figure out why right/left-aligned images get displayed under their containing <div> in Internet Explorer, as in this example. Obviously, it's a bug — but how to work around it?

Posted by godfrey (link)