Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 6 May 2003
Quiz Fun

Via a link on Moira's blog, some interesting quizzes on the Guardian Unlimited site.

I got a perfect score on the Simpsons quiz, the spelling quiz, the "Intellectual" quiz (though I chose the answers I thought would receive a perfect score, not necessarily what my answers would be). Sadly, I missed one question on the Gunpowder Plot quiz, and I got a 5 out of 8 just by selecting random answers on the beards quiz.

And I did horribly on the Literary London quiz: "You clearly don't know your Arsenal from your Eltham." I got all the historical questions right, but obviously I have no clue about twentieth-century writers...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Well, I did more poorly on the Hamlet quiz than I thought I would have -- apparently because I'm not familiar with the skinhead version.