Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 5 December 2002
They grow up so fast...

On the previous season of Angel, I was pretty sure that Angel's infant son Connor would follow the usual Fantasy/Science Fiction convention of miraculously growing to adulthood in a very short order. As the episodes dragged on, chock-full of the annoying wailing of the bantling, I began to worry that I'd been wrong.

Fortunately, though, one of the bad guys eventually whisked the brat away to a demon dimension, and he returned shortly as an adolescent.

Karen informs me that the same thing occurs on soap operas; a child will be born, is sent away to a boarding school, and the kid reaches the age of consent a month or two later.

If (heaven forbid) Karen and I ever sprog, we need to find the address of one of those boarding schools.

Posted by godfrey (link)
"You left just when you were becoming interesting."
--Dr. Henry Jones to his son, Indiana