Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 3 March 2005
Fun, fun, fun!

The Latin word for "fun" is ludus. Alternatively, one could also use iocus, at least according to Cassell's Latin & English dictionary. Ordinarily, I wouldn't mention it, but it came up in conversation tonight. Or rather, someone at an SCA meeting stated authoritatively that there was no Latin word for "fun", one of those weird little factoids one frequently hears in the SCA (such as "the color pink didn't exist during the SCA period", or "only servants wore blue", or "one time an SCA King sold homemade porn to finance his reign".)

Oh, wait, the last one was actually true.

Posted by godfrey (link)
How about "All poetry was performed, not read"?
Ran across this one on a costuming list today - "I've always heard that black wasn't a period color."

That's why you see so many Renaissance-era paintings of people wearing black clothes.