Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 31 October 2002
Into the Breach

Well, after hemming and hawing about it, I decided to give NaNoWriMo a try. I first encountered the name a while ago, in a quote at the top of Moira's blog. I had no idea what it was, and assumed it was a Seattle grunge-band thing. After that, I kept seeing it pop up on blog after blog, and after changing my assumption a couple more times, finally gave in and clicked on somebody's link to it.

Cool concept, I thought. Maybe I'll try that next year. Finally, when I discovered that someone I actually know in real life was doing it, I figured what the hell, I'd give it a shot this year.

I've got plenty of time during the day when I can work out the night's writing (driving to/from work, my daily walk to the post office, lunchtime, &c.), and if I cut back on the mindless hours spent reading discussions on Fark every night, I should be able to get in some actual writing without cutting into my other projects.

I've been mulling over an idea for a novel for a couple of years now, but never actually got around to starting it. So I shall take this opportunity to seize Time by the forelock and drag this novel kicking and screaming out of my brain. And for once I'll resist the temptation to immediately delete it, an urge which has laid waste to every story I've tried to write in my entire life, save three.

Posted by godfrey (link)
"And for once I'll resist the temptation to immediately delete it, an urge which has laid waste to every story I've tried to write in my entire life, save three."

And at least one that SHOULD have been deleted, but wasn't. (God, I hope I have the only copy...)

Ah, Chris, my old friend.

With comments like that, is it any wonder I have new friends?

Though, come to think of it, they make comments like that, too.