Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 29 January 2006
Mmmm... beer...

I used to hate beer, up until a couple of years ago. That was when I discovered that beer didn't have to taste like Budweiser and Coors. Thank you, Victor, for introducing me to Trois Pistoles, my personal gateway to the wonderful world of beers that don't resemble having sex in a canoe.

Last weekend, we went down to ArtSci, and spent the night with The Lunchbox and Lisabetta. Karen and I really miss the some of the gustatory experiences available in Tampa, so our hosts were kind enough to go with us to Der Schnitzelhaus. Alas, accordion-playing Inga wasn't there that evening. Chef Mike spent most of the evening ignoring The Lunchbox when he visited our table, but then he turned right to him and busted out a joke about the Nazis invading France. And then turned the Apfelstrudel into a dis on Democrats. Maybe it was the fact that The Lunchbox was the only one at the table drinking wine instead of beer; I don't know. But The Lunchbox was admirably restrained, and didn't go Maquis on Chef Mike's ass.

Tangent: Speaking of the French, last week I downloaded an interesting e-book version of a pamphlet originally produced by the US government: 112 Gripes about the French.

Anyway, back to the original topic: I tried a new beer at Der Schnitzelhaus, which immediately became one of my favorites: Köstritzer Schwarzbier. I'm surprised, since as a general rule I've found that I tend to prefer the heavier flavor of ales, but this one's actually a lager. (Interesting trivia from Wikipedia: Köstritzer Schwarzbier has been made since 1543; one of its most famous drinkers was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.)

Now to see if I can find a source in Tallahassee...

Posted by godfrey (link)
I can always shop for your beer here in Tampa if you need it really, really badly. I understand. And the German Restaurant that Saturday night was absolutely silly and very entertaining. I enjoyed the atmosphere much better than at Oktoberfest.

P.S. Your leftovers wre a tasy midnight snack on Sunday. Thanks for forgetting them.
Well, I can probably get the beer online (well... maybe... the first place I've found it won't ship to Florida). So if I can't, I'll definitely take you up on it. And you're quite welcome. I'm glad the leftovers were enjoyed rather than going to waste.
Given my reputation, I'm glad my restraint was observed. That Bernie Kopell looking mf'er always seems to target my apparently Western European-looking ass. Dude, go tell it to the pope, or the governor of California or someone who thinks genocide is hilarious.