Singing Potatoes
Friday, 16 July 2004
Not quite an earworm...

Thanks to one of Squelch's postings on a forum we both frequent, I've got something repeating in my head, but it's not a song. It's Daffy Duck's line from Ali Baba Bunny: "Ickety-ackety-oop. Oh-oh thqueak, ah-ah plbbbbbt." Over and over and over again.

In other news, though I've lived for twelve years in Florida, I still can't get used to needing both an umbrella and sunglasses at the same time. 'Tain't natural, Maw.

Oh, and apparently the President is in town again. The police blocked off the parking lot to the Post Office, which the motorcade was apparently supposed to drive past. I suppose it makes sense, as everyone knows postal employees pack the semiautomatic heat.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Though we regret your recent earworm, and we can assure you that our technicians are working on it as we speak, we would like to point out that this is not Squelch's fault, as he is infallible, like the Pope or George W. Bush. -- Homeland Security Department