Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Administrivia: archives
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When I upgraded my Web server from MySQL 4 to MySQL 5, a change in date behavior broke my blog (and the other blogs hosted on the site) for a couple of days. I thought I'd gotten it fixed, but I just discovered that all of the blog archives subsequent to that day were broken.

It was a ten-minute fix to change the code and alter the databases to reflect the change, after months of silent brokenness.

All's well that ends well, I guess.

Update: It would really help if I could remember that the date/time stamp for each post automatically updates to the current time unless I explicitly tell it not to, so as to avoid setting every damn entry to the same date and time whenever I make a change to all the records. Thank goodness for twice-daily backups.

Posted by godfrey (link)