Singing Potatoes
Monday, 14 February 2005
Some things never change
Puppet Angel Morph

The particulars are different, but the overall theme is the same: when "morality" outlaws equality.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Good article, wasn't it?
It pissed me off.

It was hatred masquerading as morality that first started me turning away from organized religion — the straw that broke the camel's back was a priest standing up in the pulpit and declaring that AIDS was God's punishment for homosexuality, with most of the congregation nodding along in agreement.

Now, that's not to say that I believe that all religious people are so small and petty. I know many who are decent people, who do their best to live by (at least some of) the tenets of their faiths.

But those who use their faith to justify their small-mindedness, those contemnable tartuffes who practice intolerance in the name of a man who preached tolerance... such hypocrisy turns my stomach.

So I suppose the article is good, if it can arouse such passion in me.

Well, yeah... that's what I meant.