Singing Potatoes
Monday, 20 March 2006
Must... restrain... self...
Smile Time!

EPIA's finally come out with the Nano-ITX motherboard. A mere 12cm by 12cm; yet it's got 5.1 audio, VGA/RCA/HDTV video outs, USB, onboard LAN, and absolutely silent.

Of course, it's only got an 800 MHz C3 processor, so you couldn't make a cutting-edge powergaming machine out of it, and the CPU really doesn't have enough power to drive the HDTV-out port properly. But still: all that in less than five inches squared?

Still a bit pricey yet, but that'd make a heck of a nice toy.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Was that supposed to be in English? Am I dumb for not understanding a lot of that post?
In English: it's a complete computer (well, except memory) in less than five inches by five inches. It's not very powerful, but it's cute.

Don't be bringing "cute" to Nerdvana; we'll whup ass on cute. Now the ammo box, that's a whole 'nother story.
Actually, I wasn't planning on bringing the ammo box this time; it's become way too useful as a TiVo.

Since most of the first-person shooters these days have at least a dedicated server that runs on Linux, I was planning on bringing my "Nerdvanix" machine to host the games and to share installation files over the network.

How many computers do we / you have now?
Let's see:

  • Desktop computers: my Windows box, your Windows box, my Linux box;
  • Non-desktop computers: the ammo box, my work laptop;
  • Palmtop computers: my Nokia 770, your Handspring, my Palm;
  • Other: the NSLU2

That'll do for now.