Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 17 September 2005
A Question

Does anyone reading this have personal experience with Invisalign, or know someone who's used them?

In the past year, my teeth have started to crowd towards the front (despite the fact that I recently had my wisdom teeth out, which makes no sense to me — there's plenty of room in the back). This is causing my upper front incisors to tilt to the sides; the formerly flat bottoms are now at a noticeable angle, and I'm developing a diastema between them. I find this distressing, rock band names aside.

I'm the kind of person who scoffs at infomercials and laughs at the people who believe them — but now I'm starting to at least understand why they'd phone away for crap they hear about on TV. I don't want braces (for starters, they'd look ridiculous on a person my age), so those Invisalign things are actually starting to look attractive. Except, as it turns out, they're more expensive than braces, and apart from some scattered testimonials on Teh Intarweb, I can't find any evidence that they actually do what the company claims. (Indeed, the entry on Wikipedia suggests that some of the company's claims are in fact false.

I could always try some home orthodontics — I've already got all the casting equipment and the acrylic resins that real orthodontic appliances are made of — but I'd probably just end up making things worse.


So, does anyone know from experience whether they're worth the dough?

Posted by godfrey (link)