Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 20 October 2005
Holy crow, that takes me back...
Spike Jones 2

Remember when hard drives were called "Winchester drives"? Yeah, I know you don't. But I used to.

I was reminded of the name because some reporter did a story on this new thing called "blogging", and of course someone posted it to Fark, where naturally the reporter's being made the target of vicious ridicule. ("This just in: The sky is blue!") And then somebody predicted that some day, copies (or "clones") of IBM's Personal Computer might eventually include the larger Winchester drives...

Man, I was ecstatic when I was finally able to afford a Winchester drive. And when I saw the name again today, it was a really weird feeling to know it used to be something I yearned for — perhaps even obsessed over, as if it were some dread ring forged in the fires of a volcano in a dark land — and until I saw the name again, I didn't even realize I'd forgotten it. Yeah, I know, you don't care. But it makes me wonder what other facts and memories are trapped in the dark recesses of my brain?

Who knows? I might even remember something about the 1980s and not even realize it.

Posted by godfrey (link)