Singing Potatoes
Friday, 26 October 2001
Police State

Police to use new powers

That headline jumped out at me from McNewspaper as I passed the newsbox. Perhaps I read too many comic books as a child, because my immediate interpretation of the headline involved things like X-ray vision, the ability to fly and punch through brick walls, and so on.

But the actual meaning is much more frightening.

Perhaps it wouldn't seem as frightening if Bush hadn't created the very fascist-sounding post of "Director of Homeland Security". (What's wrong with "Domestic"? Do we have to use a word that calls up images of brown shirts and jackboots?)

I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again: September 11th was our Reichstag Fire. It gives the power-hungry would-be despots all the excuse they need to begin curtailing our freedoms, to open wide the eye of Big Brother and subject us to closer scrutiny from behind the façade of "protecting" us.

And apropos of nothing, it's purple mountains majesty. If the people of this country must start fervently singing patriotic songs, the least they could do is learn the words correctly. And maybe even learn all of the words; the national anthem has four verses, but when was the last time anyone even heard the second? Harrumph!

Posted by godfrey (link)