Singing Potatoes
Monday, 7 February 2005
A Distressing Product
It Stinks!

Tonight, I saw yet another commercial for a product which heralds the downfall of our society. I don't remember the exact words in the voice-over, but I believe it went something like this:

Here at Smuckers, we like the simple things. So we made a simple thing even simpler. New Uncrustables, for parents who are too smucking lazy to make their kids a measly peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Now, mind you, that's just a paraphrase. But that's the gist of the message I got out of it.

(And don't get me started on the SUVs that have DVD players included so the parents don't have to actually talk to their kids, or — heaven forbid — encourage them to read books...)

Posted by godfrey (link)
uncrustables, for [arents who are too lazy to make pbj for their spoiled kids who are too fussy to eat breadcrust anyway.