Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 19 September 2006
Some jokes are timeless
Ha! Ha!

¶A bablynge gentylman, the whiche on a tyme wolde haue baſſed a fayre mayde, that had nat the leeſt noſe, ſayde: Howe ſhulde I kyſſe you: youre noſe wyll not ſuffre our lyppes to mete? The mayde waxinge ſhamfaſt and angrye in her mynde, for with his ſcoffe he a lyttel touched her, anſwered on this wyſe: Syr if ye can not kyſſe my mouth for my noſe, ye may kyſſe me there as I haue nere a noſe.

Posted by godfrey (link)