Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 24 March 2005
Warning: contains opinion.
Spike Jones 1

Every day as I drive to and from work, I pass the Florida State Capitol building (or the "Cock and Balls Building", as it is sometimes called). There are frequently protests going on at a busy intersection. The subjects range from stopping the war in Iraq ("HONK IF YOU LOVE PEACE!") to legalizing marijuana ("HONK IF YOU INHALE!" — which elicited a nearly continuous stream of honks) to, of course, saving Terry Schiavo's life.

I was going to avoid writing about that. I really was. But something I read tonight made me mad enough to reverse that decision.

"It is more than just Terri Schiavo. This is a critical issue for people in this position, and it is also a critical issue to fight that fight for life, whether it be euthanasia or abortion. I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, one thing God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo to elevate the visibility of what's going on in America. That Americans would be so barbaric as to pull a feeding tube out of a person that is lucid and starve them to death for two weeks." — Tom DeLay; emphasis mine.

Lucid? Lucid? If Terry Schiavo's lucid, what the hell is all this fuss about? Instead of legal wrangling to determine whether or not she would want her life support terminated, why not just fucking ask her?! Or is this perhaps some other definition of lucid? Perhaps he merely meant that, having spent the last fifteen years out of the sun, her skin is so pale as to be translucent; not that she was coherent. Yes, that must be it. A politician would never knowingly utter a falsehood, surely.

To add insult to injury, Mr. Delay used the plural pronoun "them" to refer to a singular subject, a shocking display of disregard for proper English syntax. Is it wrong to expect our leaders to set a better linguistic example for the children? Won't somebody please think of the children?

Posted by godfrey (link)
Speaking of children-Regardless of the tragic family situation- there is another issue in the deal that is not being addressed.

The Hospice where Schiavo is being housed is immediately next door to an elementary school. Although the impact is moot this week for Spring Break, for weeks now (the F-CAT testing period, btw) the teachers, students, parents, etc. have had to run a gauntlet of protesters and news media just to get into the school. Protesters have been harassing people as they try to get their kids to class. Pamphlets have been littering the street and people have tried to shove them into teacher mailboxes, etc. The school had to limit all outside activities to prohibit exposure of students to the mob and the countless media trucks. The street is a dead end street, so anything that happens in the road blocks the whole operation. This particular school has several classrooms with special ed students with critical medical conditions. No one wants to think of the chaos that would ensue if there were a need for an ambulance at the school.

In addition, the other patients at the hospice, as well as their families, are having to deal with all of this too.
People are crazy.

I had to visit the Capitol on Wednesday, and had to deal with the throngs of protesters on both sides of the issue. I can tell you, nothing has ever made me as sad as this circus. Very, very sad.

What makes the whole issue more distressing is the exploitation, mis/disinformation being cranked out by both camps. Propaganda abounds.
What that school needs is a very strong sprinkler system. Seriously strong.
Here's an interesting religious perspective on the issue.

Outrage update- it has just been announced (8am Sunday Morning) that due to the climate created by the Schiavo case, all activities at the elementary school will be occuring elsewhere until the Schiavo situation ends That's right, they are closing Cross Bayou Elementary School in pinellas Park Florida and distributing the students and staff elsewere for clases untill further notice.

Tomarrow is the first day back from Spring break. As a teaceher, I understand the need to ensure the safety of the students as well as the sanctity of their learning enviornment. As a citizen, I am outraged that such a circus is being allowed to disrupt the goings on of regular people who are trying to lead normal lives.

FYI- as a teacher, I also understand that I should have spell checked the last post. Sorry.
I feel that the protesters have been very inconsiderate to the other families who have a loved
one in the hospice. They too are trying to mourn and comfort thier love ones and have to be disturbed
by these inconsiderate people. Terri is not the only
patient in the hospice.
Well, I'm sure they're only disturbing the other patients and their families because they would wish to be disturbed in that manner.

ARGH! Will you make another post and get that angry avatar off the page?!
You don't like Spike Jones? :-)

Thank you. It's not that you're not a good-lookin' dude, but that Flash animation makes my eyeballs melt.