Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 17 August 2005
Curry makes it all better

I'm thinking someone released a batch of stupid into the South Florida water supply about a week ago, as we've had some shockingly dumb calls recently. Like one office manager this morning who blamed the server for the fact that all of the printers, scanners, cameras and workstations shut off at the exact same instant. Oh, and so did everything else that was plugged in to the power outlets, like calculators and coffeepots. Because the server can turn all those things off, you see.

And then there was the office manager who insisted we send a tech out because she couldn't figure out how to tell if a scanner was plugged in. And when I tried to guide her though the Herculean task of seeing whether or not the black cord was plugged in to the back of the scanner, she said she couldn't do so without unplugging everything from the workstation, and she couldn't do that because she'd never be able to get it all plugged back into the right places again. Never mind that the scanner's sitting right out in plain sight on a desk, where the power cord is plainly visible from all angles.

But my ex-boss took me out for lunch at the Indian restaurant, and a nice plate of Murgh Shahi Korma just drained all the stress out of me. That shit's better than Valium.

Posted by godfrey (link)
"They have the Internet on computers now?"
~Homer Simpson
Ex-boss? Has the Countdown reached its end?
No. The boss who hired me. A couple of weeks ago, they moved me to a different department, so they could justify making me do all the tasks that I'd been doing. Though I still have to do the job I was hired for, as well, and at the same pay level.

My ex-boss is the best boss I've ever had. He stands up for his people even though it means he'll catch heat for it; he rewards people for a job well done; he does everything he can to accommodate his people's needs (like letting me accumulate a week's worth of comp time so I could go to the Hash Bash); and he's absolutely forthright, none of the false friendliness that disappears if you fail to ask "how high" when he tells you to jump — or worst of all, dare to question.

Sounds like it's too bad he's an "ex."