Singing Potatoes
Monday, 19 July 2004
Dead tired

Well, this was the big moving weekend. I'll spare you the boring details, but hit a couple of bullet points.

  • One needn't worry about falling asleep while driving, if one is driving a rolling deathtrap with no pickup, mushy brakes, a turn radius only slightly smaller than the CERN particle accelerator, and a tendency to throw a Grand Mal seizure upon hitting 35 miles per hour.
  • I really have to find out whoever it was that called a bunch of folks up in Tallahassee on our behalf to let them know we might need help moving stuff in.
  • A charged cellphone is your friend. The abovementioned folks called us to offer their help, but the phone was dead and we didn't find out about their offer until we'd got most of the stuff moved in. However, their assistance was still greatly appreciated, as they helped us finish unloading the truck, get a bunch of boxes into their proper rooms, and get the one piece of furniture upstairs that we hadn't been able to manage on our own.
  • Scandinavian furniture sucks. Oh, it's good-looking and sturdy, but when the drawers don't come out of the dresser, it's really freaking heavy.
  • A truck which gets seven miles per gallon, and a sixty-gallon tank, really makes me appreciate my own car.

I ended up taking a bus home; the original plan was for me to drive back to Tampa with Karen, and then for Karen to go back to Tallahassee, but it took longer to unload than we'd expected. The bus ride was a treat.

Many thanks to Brian, whose offer to help us load the truck was greatly appreciated; Cedric, Charley, John, Norm and Lisa, the "bunch of folks"; and Lisa, who braved the downtown Tampa bus depot at midnight to pick me up.

And man, am I tired.

Posted by godfrey (link)