Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 9 July 2006
Misc and Miscibility

Watched "Doomsday", the Doctor Who series finale. I was less than thrilled with the Machinus ex machina plot hole, as well as the ending. Grr, arrgh.

Went out and bought some guitar cases for the move. I was hoping to get those cheap pasteboard ones, but they only had one. So I had to make do with padded gig bags for all but one of the rest (I managed to snag a used electric case for the Ibanez for $35). All told, it was more than I wanted to pay, but less than the cost of replacing a guitar.

Karen's getting frustrated with her laptop; I couldn't find any malware processes on there, but something's holding certain keys in the registry open, preventing them from being changed. But the machine came with so much preloaded crap, I'm not sure where the problem lies. Since she's already using Firefox and OpenOffice, she's willing to try switching to Linux to see how she likes it. (I'll ghost her drive first, so in case she's not thrilled with it I can put things back the way they were.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Zippy will rue the day it started misbehaving~