Singing Potatoes
Friday, 12 September 2008
Conversation with a Landlord
Cup of Rum


Hi, [Landlord]. This is Jeff, your tenant at [address]

Oh, hi, Jeff! What can I do for you?

[Landlord], do you read the notes I include with the rent check?

What? Oh, yeah, yeah, sure I do. Listen, I'll call the power company and ask why they haven't cut down that tree branch yet.1

Okay. And the water coming into the basement?

What? You've still got water coming in?

Yeah. Like I wrote in the note.

What we did2 didn't fix it?

Well, no, there's still water coming in when it rains. We didn't even have much rain this morning, and it's all over the floor.

Oh, well, I'll be over there this afternoon to take a look at it.3

1. The friend he asked to come over never actually took down the tree branch, apparently since the job was substantially more difficult than [Landlord] had described. [Landlord] seems to be hoping the power company will take care of it for free.

2. Putting on three-foot gutter extensions, because obviously that will prevent water from seeping in through the unsealed basement walls.

3. Apparently the water on the floor this time will look different from the last two times he looked at the water on the floor.

Posted by godfrey (link)