Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 13 November 2003
Hard to get used to

I'm in a library, using a Macintosh. I've got nothing against Macs, but my fingers keep reaching for the right button and the scroll wheel as a matter of habit. Neither of which, of course, exists on this Mac mouse (which is more reminiscent of a transparent bar of soap than anything I've come to identify as a mouse).

And there's an icon jumping up and down on the bottom of the screen, inviting me to mount the MDrive, which is really annoying. I can live without a scroll wheel, I can live without a right button, I can even live with the fact that the <Home> and <End> keys apparently have no function whatsoever. But that smegging scroll jumping up and down every two seconds is really getting on my nerves.

The interface looks nice, though.

Posted by godfrey (link)
What the hell is an MDrive?

Usually when something in the Dock is bouncing, it means a dialog box is up that you should deal with, then the icon will stop.

One-button mice were a great idea when no one knew how to use a mouse (quote from an early Mac ad: "it's very difficult to hit the wrong button"). But even as a dedicated Mac-head, I can't live without a three-button mouse anymore.
Apple+click = right click, in a pinch

I HATE one button mice

jen, the two button mousing scrolling mac user...
That's CONTROL-click.
doh right, it's been so long since I've been one-buttoned...
An icon of a scroll jumping up and down? Did it look like 'Hey Steve'?
No, it looked like a scroll (curled top and bottom edges, like you usually see in cartoons as Royal Proclamations) on a plate.