Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 10 March 2004
Can we film the operation?

Well, this post was about the return to the Bad Old Days in the Laurels' circle, but there was too much dirty laundry in it. All I'm going to say is that I'm terribly disappointed that a comity which had taken years to build is quickly being torn down; that in my opinion, no just person would chastise another for complaining about double standards; and that I will not be told what to think of a candidate.

Oh, and if a certain Laurel takes it upon herself one more time to lecture the entire Circle as though we were naughty children, I will bite her fucking nose off.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm with you 1000%.
Me too!
Wonder Wreath powers activate- form of decency!

Wow, I've never seen a Laurel meeting, but I'm thinking this one was extra special.