Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 23 August 2005
Hey, now there's an idea!
Cup of Rum

PHB: Are you on a call?
me: No...
PHB: Are you busy?
me: Well, I'm down in the DMV line at the moment.
PHB: I wanted to know if you could print out that system status report for me. [Ed. note: this report gets emailed to the PHB, among others, every morning.]
me: When do you need it by?
PHB: Well, we've got [client's IT department] here, and we wanted to go over it with them.
me: I'm almost up to the counter; can you give me five minutes?
PHB: Oh, that's okay, I'll print it from here.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Is that laziness or stupidity?
I just discovered your blog. You're fired.