Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 20 January 2002

There are few things I dislike more than cleaning. Specifically, I hate throwing things away if there's a chance I might need them later. Today, I started cleaning my closet. I decided to be ruthless.

I threw away old motherboards; one was so old that it had a 386 SX CPU on it. I threw away old hard drives; the largest one was 340 MB. I threw away the lease from the first apartment I rented in Tampa, nearly ten years ago. I threw away scores of 5ΒΌ" diskettes. Some were from my first computer, an Apple ][ which I bought in 1978 (it's been years since I actually had the computer itself).

I filled up two garbage cans with trash, but I haven't even gotten a quarter of the way through the boxes in my closet. And I still have another closet to go. I really hate cleaning.

Posted by godfrey (link)