Singing Potatoes
Monday, 23 December 2002
Literacy can be Fun

The Tampa Tribune runs "Mother Goose and Grimm" on its comics pages. It's one of the lucky strips which is colored every day by some staff member at the Trib.

Today's strip was entitled "Hitchcock's Uncle Remus", and showed the narrator from Joel Chandler Harris' Song of the South (and the Disney adaptation thereof) sitting on a bench fishing, blissfully singing "Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder..." as a huge flock of birds massed behind the hapless man.

The Trib's colorist made Uncle Remus white.

Posted by godfrey (link)
the guy who does Grimmy (as we call it here) is local to me, outof the dayton journal herald. GREAT guy, met him, just nice as all get out.
Mike Peters? Cool.

I did notice that, I figured it was some politically correct BS, since "Song of the South" is no longer available for sale, viewing; anything.