Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 14 March 2002

This morning, as I got dressed, I put my Visor Prism in my shirt pocket, then decided I should HotSync it, in case any of the Web sites I download with AvantGo had changed. So I put it back in the HotSync cradle, hit the button and continued getting ready for work. And left without the Prism.

I feel naked without it. I ordered some merchandise, and couldn't log the credit card transaction in MyCheckbook. I don't have access to my "To Do" list, so I had to write something down on paper and hope I remember it when I get home. Ack.

I can't wait for the days when they can just implant an interface chip in my brain. Unless, of course, it's from Microsoft; I'm not ready for the Blue Synapse of Death.

Posted by godfrey (link)