Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 1 June 2003
Stargate SG-1
Last Stand
60 min.

The Goa'uld hatch a plot to destroy their enemy. (VCR Plus+ 15555)

Gee, thanks, TV Guide. That'll really let me know whether I've seen that particular episode or not.

(So is it VCR Plus, or VCR Plus+? If the latter, why not just write VCR++?)

Posted by godfrey (link)
That's just about as good as the recent TVGuide (which was also on my digital cable "Info" selection) entry for Buffy's "Where The Wild Things Are": "Forces unleashed." And they've apparently decided, two seasons in, to scrap all individual descriptions of Farscape for "Stranded astronaut makes the best of being far from home" or some such crap....