Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 31 July 2003
Excitement for the day

One of the computers at work caught fire this afternoon. Nobody thought to, say, unplug it as it belched forth acrid smoke. No, the proper thing to do in that situation is to find Jeff and tell him the computer's on fire.

Afterwards, when I had determined that it had been the power supply which was at fault, my boss wanted to know if we could just get away with replacing the power supply fan, instead of the whole power supply.

Posted by godfrey (link)
OOOooOoOOoh! Fire burns. Computers magic, Jeff the magician.
Of all of things I have set on fire, at least I can say none of them was a computer.


23 years of being around computers I've never seen one in flames. Are you sure you don't have some kind of weird magnetic field around you? Maybe it's your mutant power. Mine is skin that dissolves ferrous metals within days.
No, I think it was one of the reporters that has the computer-toxic bioelectric field. She's gone through more laptops than I've gone through motherboards.

Pray that you never have to smell one in flames. It produced a greasy, pungent, stink that felt like it was eating away my lung tissue.

It definitely let out the magic smoke...

Mmmm, greasy, pungent smoke.
And hurray for me, a compu-geek term I'm familiar with!
Me too! I know a hacker term! I'm so cool!

....well, except now I've blown my cover. dammit.