Singing Potatoes
Monday, 12 April 2004

I think I broke my toe this morning. Actually, I'm fairly sure I did. Naturally, the walking stick I bought in Williamsburg on our honeymoon is nowhere to be found, so I'm hobbling around the house with the aid of a didgeridoo. Passed out twice soon after the event. The first time was impressive; I was slumped forwards at the computer desk, and then the next thing I knew, I was looking up at the ceiling, having fallen backwards in the chair, with a heavy file box (which had been next to the chair's base) upside down next to my head. Still haven't managed to work out the physics of that one.

Can't get a shoe on my foot. Hurts too much. This well and truly sucks.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Go. To. The. Doctor.
Which toe? My pinkie toe still hurts from when I rammed it into my computer chair last September, breaking it I'm fairly sure. There's not a whole lot that can be done for a broken toe, unfortunately... :(
Yeah, it was the little toe. I've had friends who broke that toe before and went to the doctor, who said there really wasn't anything they could do. C'est la vie.

Yep. You just gotta live with the agony for the next six months or so. Go out for sushi... That made the first night a whole lot better! ;)
Did you try any of those helpful suggestions from last night? Like the "tool dip" theory?
No, I couldn't find any tool dip in a color I liked. I mean, I should get black to match my work shoes, but the one they had was too shiny.