Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 16 January 2003
Phun with Photoshop

(Well, fun with The GIMP, at any rate.)

I actually placed third in a Fark Photoshop contest yesterday. So, in celebration thereof, I've created a page to display all of my previous contest entries.

The two towards the bottom of the page (Road Runner and Guy Getting Sucked Into Escalator) were especially fun to do, because in addition to adding elements to them, I also excised entire characters, reconstructing the backgrounds behind them bit by bit, and it got me thinking. There's a whole subindustry in the movie business for people who retouch movies frame by frame, for things like wire removal or cleaning up older movies for release on DVD. I'm just anal-retentive enough to be able to do that for a living. I wonder how well it pays?

Posted by godfrey (link)