Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Name that flavor
It Stinks!

After eating lunch at a local deli, Karen and I browsed their shelves to see what strange new gourmet foods they had. Among the many delicacies were $7 chocolate bars with various nontraditional flavors (curry, wasabi, bacon...) and a soft drink called Julmust.

I'm a sucker for strange beverages, so I bought a bottle. I couldn't place the flavor, but I commented that it reminded me strongly of some kind of candy I'd had when camping in Rhode Island as a child.

"So it tastes like acrimony?" Karen asked. She'd heard the tales.

I think the "natural and nature-identical flavors" reminded me of the sugary colored liquid contained in wax bottles. But looking up Julmust on Wikipedia, maybe it was the hop and malt extracts, which I guess didn't taste much like beer because of all the sugar.

Faintly carbonated; sweet but not overpoweringly so, with a faint bitter aftertaste and hints of acetone in the bouquet.

Overall score:

4 out of 5 Moxies

Posted by godfrey (link)
And you passed up the bacon-flavored chocolate?
That chocolate was $7 a bar!!
Just make your own chocolate dipped bacon. It is actually kind of good. But not as good as candied bacon. MMMMmmmmmm.
My dear departed Aunt Bessie kept her fridge stocked with Moxie when I was a kid. (I'm old.) It always looked so fun but the taste was pure disappointment to my eight year old self.
I started drinking Moxie in high school.I'd picked up a couple of two-liter bottles of it for a D&D game, not knowing what it was. The consensus at the game was that nasty was what it was. One and a half bottles sat in my fridge for about two months.

Until I got thirsty, and it was a choice between water or Moxie. So I choked some down. And the more I drank, the less I minded the taste.

Soon, I started buying it for D&D games. Because it meant nobody else would drink my soda. And I actually ended up taking a perverse pleasure out of the taste.