Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 2 February 2003
They shot the messengers

"No matter what the cause, safety experts have warned for years that a problem was coming. They told Congress that the shuttle program needed more money and newer equipment or else it faced rising safety risks. Six outside consultants on a safety panel issued such warnings; they were fired in March 2001."

Posted by godfrey (link)
I was just voicing my opinions about the shuttle's faulty left wing this morning and how sick it was that thay knew there could be a problem, and yet let them go anyway. For what? Maybe losing a few bucks for the delay? Like the governement hasn't spent money less wisely before.
Nice to see the news agencies are keeping pace with current events. Isn't that just a little too fast?

Hmmm... Is it just a coincidence that the conservative government is blaming the problem on the left wing?

More on the firings, courtesy of Fark.