Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 27 May 2004
More Webtoon musing

I'd decided to go with the computer-rendered cartooning because my drawing skills suck. And then I see things like this which make me start thinking perhaps my skills aren't as bad as I thought they were. And then I remember that my silly little one-panel toon that didn't even come close to looking like the person I was trying to draw took two freaking days to make, so to do a decent strip would take all my free time and still only update once a week at best.

So I've got to get off my arse and finish re-animating scene five of Duck Sauce for the Director's Cut, so I can get back to building my characters with a clear conscience. I've got at least a year's worth of storylines planned out, but I can't articulate them until I've got the modeling done.

Of course, that'll mean staying away from Tribes 2, which I let myself get sucked into because the publisher started giving it away for free. Man, I love games with jetpacks. And AI that's actually smart enough to simulate the experience of playing against real humans when I'm learning the game, so I can get out of the n00b phase without embarrassment. But especially the jetpacks. I always have great flying dreams after playing a game with jetpacks.

Posted by godfrey (link)