Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 1 January 2005
It's clobberin' time!

I came across this interesting image while looking for something completely different. Interesting casting choices, I must say; I never would have imagined Jessica Alba in the rôle of Susan Storm. She looks much better as a brunette, if you ask me. Which you didn't.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Thursday, 6 January 2005
Good Clean Fun
Smile Time!

Okay, I'm tired of waiting for this to post at AMFilms, so I'm putting up a mirror here until it does.

A friend of mine asked if I'd use GPO to help keep his computer animation out of copyright hell. So I recorded an orchestra for him, and we each contributed some singing. I think the end result was pretty spiffy all by itself — but it really shines when you add in the visuals.

I hope you will enjoy... Soap Opera.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Tuesday, 11 January 2005
Fun Florida DL Facts
  • In Florida, it's legal for a Muslim woman to pose for a driver's license photo in a full burqa.
  • A Florida driver's license may be issued without a photograph or signature under certain circumstances.
  • Examples of some valid DL signatures are: just the first name; just the last name; initials; a scribble that resembles the output of a Spirograph; non-Latin writing, such as Chinese or Hebrew; the letter X.
  • Not valid signatures: a cross or plus sign; a straight horizontal line; a sine wave; a circle with a short line coming out of it; a nickname, such as "Scorpion".
  • There are some very unfortunately named people driving around in Florida.


  • Learners' permits in Florida automatically come with the "Safe Driver" designation.
  • "Boomhower" is a real last name.
Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments
Awww, it's so cute!

A $500 G4 Macintosh that measures 16.5×16.5×5 cm?

Posted by godfrey (link) — 5 comments
Saturday, 15 January 2005

The one thing I've really been missing since moving to Tallahassee is a social life. In Tampa, Karen and I had a great group of friends which we saw pretty frequently. Leaving them behind was the only difficult part of the move for me; I wasn't attached to the locale, our (rented) house, my job... but to give up my friends (and getting together with the Consort) was tough.

Karen and I had started going to SCA meetings and dance practices, but once Karen's school schedule picked up, and I got my job with stupid amounts of overtime, we had to put that on hold. And once my hours settled down to a more sane schedule, I caught the Christmas Crud which left me too exhausted to go out.

Friday, though (after five months of saying "we've got to get together some time"), we finally got to have dinner with some cool people that we don't know half as well as I should like (with apologies to Mr. Baggins).

Posted by godfrey (link) — 5 comments
Thursday, 20 January 2005
Not a date movie.

Just got back from seeing Hotel Rwanda. I think it's one of the most powerful, intense movies I've ever seen. It's also one of the most depressing.

And that's about all I can really think to say at the moment.

(I guess Ebert doesn't have to worry about me taking his job anytime soon, eh?)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Friday, 21 January 2005
What the hell is going on?
Cup of Rum

Over the last few weeks I've written entry after entry for my blog, and comment after comment on other people's LiveJournals, only to decide once they're done that it's not worth posting them.

Once upon a time, I'd just spew any old thing that was in my mind up onto the Intarweb... and now, not so much.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments
Sunday, 30 January 2005
Gotta stop doing this

Didn't really have much of a weekend — went in to work yesterday at 8 AM and got out around 11 PM, and went back in at 8 again this morning for another 10½ hours. All told, the weekend brought my overtime this week up to 40 hours.

I'm a bit tired, but the money won't suck.

I'm hoping I'll have a normal social life again one of these days. Karen and I want to go to the local SCA dance practices, but they're held outdoors and the last couple of weeks have been too cold. I'd love for us to get together again with Simon and Melissa. But it's hard to do things at night when I have to get up at 4 AM to go in to work. Arrrgh.

In addition, I've got a big modeling project that just popped up, for an appreciable amount of money. Karen scoffed, Thirst-like, about my prospects of achieving fame, wealth and power from the work I did on Soap Opera, but this job was a direct result. Take that, Thirst! I was planning on doing some character designs this weekend, but obviously there wasn't time for that.

I finally broke down and ordered Spike Jones Off the Record: The Man Who Murdered Music. I never thought I'd ever be the sort of person who reads biographies, much less goes out of his way to order them, but there you go.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 6 comments