Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 2 July 2006
Whee, packing

We've got about 45 cubic feet of books. I know there are at least a couple dozen stragglers in various rooms, but that's the bulk of them.

I really hate packing.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Sunday, 9 July 2006
Misc and Miscibility

Watched "Doomsday", the Doctor Who series finale. I was less than thrilled with the Machinus ex machina plot hole, as well as the ending. Grr, arrgh.

Went out and bought some guitar cases for the move. I was hoping to get those cheap pasteboard ones, but they only had one. So I had to make do with padded gig bags for all but one of the rest (I managed to snag a used electric case for the Ibanez for $35). All told, it was more than I wanted to pay, but less than the cost of replacing a guitar.

Karen's getting frustrated with her laptop; I couldn't find any malware processes on there, but something's holding certain keys in the registry open, preventing them from being changed. But the machine came with so much preloaded crap, I'm not sure where the problem lies. Since she's already using Firefox and OpenOffice, she's willing to try switching to Linux to see how she likes it. (I'll ghost her drive first, so in case she's not thrilled with it I can put things back the way they were.)

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
I\'m wishing ass cancer on you!

While I was buying the guitar cases today, I asked the salesdroid if he had any gut strings for classical guitar. Though he assured me they had three different brands, I was suspicious. I asked, "Real gut, not nylon?" He confirmed, and grabbed a pack. "I don't see gut actually mentioned on the package," I said, after inspecting it closely.

"What do you mean by gut?" he asked.

"You know, 'catgut'. Sheep intestine. Like they make high-end violin strings out of."

"Ewww," he said. "No, we don't have anything like that. These are nylon." Sigh.

Also, today I bought a hole saw which proclaimed on its packaging that it would cut through metal. I wore all the teeth off it before I'd gotten halfway through the lid of an ammo box. Well, that was $11 well spent...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Monday, 10 July 2006
Faces of Insanity

It has been a fucking crappy day all around — absolutely nothing has gone right since before midnight — and now the straw has broken the camel's back, and I'm pissed off.

Hooray for everything.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Thursday, 13 July 2006
Cheering myself up
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

Sometimes, when life is pissing me off, I just have to find a way to keep my brain occupied, to take my mind off things for a while. Coding useless Webtoys is a great way to do it. So I made the Stephen Colbert "On Notice Board" Generator.

You're On Notice!

It's still kind of rudimentary; about the best I can do in native PHP is to rotate the text, so it's limited to three lines for the moment (and even those are far from perfect). I could get a bit closer with ImageMagick, but the version installed on my Webhost is several years old and missing the necessary functionality. I've asked for it to be upgraded, so hopefully I can get something better working soon.

What I really need is a perspective transform function (either written in PHP, or an external tool that'll take image data from stdin, do the transform, and spit out the modified data to stdout), but I can't seem to find anything appropriate. I may have to write one.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Monday, 17 July 2006
Condescending Linux user

Kino (an opensource video editor) won't compile on Debian Stable — too many unmet dependencies — and I'm really not keen on taking the risk of "upgrading" to Unstable. So it looks like I'll have to give Cinelerra a try. It has a tendency to crash frequently, from what I've read, but I've also read that it recovers from crashes pretty well.

And it's not like I haven't used commercial software that crashed every time a gnat farted within fifty yards of the computer...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Six Pearls
SCA Arms

This past weekend was our last SCA event in Trimaris. It was mainly spent sitting at a table selling some things we didn't want to pack up and move with us (fabric, books, various trinkets). For me, pretty much the entire event was an exercise in patience, as I knew what was to come at the end of it.

Funny thing... after the event, I learned from Karen that someone she'd spoken to wanted to talk to me, but thought I had something against him. Oddly enough, I'd thought he had problems with me.

It was held in the church where Karen and I got married. It seemed smaller than I remembered, but I think they still had the same hymn numbers up on the board. If I had to do it all over again, I would (but there'd be some changes in who stood up with us; fortunately, I'm not above a little historical revision with Photoshop).

Finally, it was time for Court! There was a lot of genuinely funny business (such as the King intimidating the local seneschal, who'd walked into the room marked "ROYALS ONLY" and seen the Queen in her "small clothes"). Awards were given, people were thanked... and then Karen was startled to hear the herald call for Mistress Ginevra Visconti.

"You have something for us?" the King asked. Karen looked panicked for a moment — then remembered that she had asked to be released from her vow of fealty (I'd been released from mine at Crown Lyst, as at the time I didn't know Karen was planning to go to Res Domestica). "I'd forgotten about that," the King said, and then they had her place her hands on the Sword of State, which apparently vacuums fealty out of people.

The Queen explained to the populace that Ginevra was being released from her vow of fealty so that she could serve the Crown in her new kingdom without reservation — and then had the herald read out an award: for her long service to Trimaris, a Court Barony. (There's a brief video clip of her reaction here.) Hooray! [Ed. note: Karen says she thinks it happened the other way around ("Before we release you...").]

I was highly amused after Court; among the people congratulating her was the Premier of the Order of the Laurel. Though I was standing right next to Karen, she refused to look at me, and very pointedly excluded me from her comments ("I'm sorry to hear we're losing one of our number", etc.). Like school on a Sunday, as the Fat Albert gang used to observe.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 6 comments
Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Something tells me that Stephen Notley, the creator of Bob the Angry Flower, is a fan of Doctor Who.

Speaking of Who, I really hate the 13-episode seasons. And the cast turnover rates. Well, at least there'll be Torchwood in October, to take up the slack until the next season starts.

In season two, I was hoping Anthony Stewart Head's character would turn out to be The Master. Maybe Jonathan Pryce in season three?

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Thursday, 20 July 2006
I've got to wonder...
I\'m wishing ass cancer on you!

So once again, the midterm elections are rolling around, and the legislators are wasting time on symbolic issues rather than running the country. But in the latest salvo in the gay marriage debate, I noticed this little gem:

"Marriage is not about love," volunteered Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), who noted his 31 years of matrimony. "It's about a love that can bear children."

I wonder: if this is the justification for Rep. Akin's stance, is he equally intent on barring the elderly or infertile from marriage? Would a woman with a tubal ligation, or a man with a vasectomy be denied the right to wed in Akin's world? What of those who simply choose not to have children?

Oh, how I wish a reporter would ask him that.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I HATE it when that happens!
Cup of Rum

This morning, I brought a can of soda with me for the way in to work, but forgot to open it. It sat in my car all day, baking in the sun.

Shortly before the end of the day, I made a trip out to the warehouse to pick up some empty boxes for the move. On the way back, I noticed the can of soda. It was a bit warm, to say the least — even my leathery man-hands found it uncomfortably hot to the touch — so I decided to bring it in and stick it in the mini-fridge. I got in the building, pressed the elevator button, and the doors opened. As I went into the elevator, the can made a sharp popping noise, and I saw that the top was suddenly bulging. It took me by surprise, and it made me go "WAH!" just as another guy got on the elevator.

The doors closed.

Suddenly there was another loud pop, and the roof of the elevator, the other guy and I were all covered in hot soda -- the lid tore itself almost completely off and smacked me right on the knuckle, and the contents sprayed everywhere like a geyser of liquid hot magma.

I'd like to teach the world to BOOM!

The moral of the story is: never bring a boiling can of soda directly into an air-conditioned building.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Best. Photoshop. EVER.
George Bush\'s Black Friend

Karen and I nearly died laughing from the photoshop on last night's Colbert Report. I couldn't breathe. I suppose it's funnier if you're familiar with the running joke about Stephen Colbert's Black Friend, but even in its own right, the expressions are just perfect.

George Bush's Black Friend

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Misc Crap

There's a man running for the office of Chief Financial Office of Florida named Randy Johnson. I snicker every time I pass by his campaign billboard.

I am sick and tired of packing. On the bright side, I've had to pay very little for packing materials; boxes, bubble wrap, styrofoam peanuts, shredded paper and the like are all free, because we've got a whole corner of the warehouse at work full of that stuff, and I've been told I can help myself to anything I want.

Move In Progress
This move has been brought to you by Dell Computers.

Man, if only all those boxes had their original contents in them — I could build quite the render farm! At least I'll have a server and two or three workstations for QA and process testing; my boss doesn't mind if I borrow their processing power when I'm not working...

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Thursday, 27 July 2006
I love it when a plan comes together.

Once installed in the frosty non-tropical Midwest, I should have a lot more free time, and won't feel so drained in the evenings. And then the fun begins.

Apart from certain obligations I have to take care of, my number one "just for me" project is the as-yet-unnamed 3D animation. Today I secured the services of a professional radio announcer to do the opening "In a world..."-style narration; he was kind enough to do it for free. It's good to have connections.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Saturday, 29 July 2006
Spike Jones 1

Exporting 24-bit, 96KHz audio to Ogg Vorbis works fine. MP3 format, on the other hand, produces a speaker-blasting wave of static. Ow.

Posted by godfrey (link)