Singing Potatoes
Monday, 2 January 2006
They'll rue the day!

Not a photoshop; an example of the perils of having a living language (c.f. Lewis, C.S., The Silver Chair). More hilarious examples from the same issue ("The Joker's Comedy of Errors") here.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Tuesday, 3 January 2006
2006 Work Peeves #1 and 2
  1. Please look at the original distribution of an email before you forward it, so you're not sending it to people who've already got it. Especially if it's got several megabytes of embedded graphics.
  2. When there's a discussion about said email with several megabytes of embedded graphics, since everyone's already seen them the first time around, please delete the frigging graphics from your reply, mmkay?

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
Finally, it all makes sense!

After reading Bob(the Angry Flower)'s Quick Guide To French, You Idiots, suddenly I realize that French isn't as difficult as it first appeared.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments
Thursday, 5 January 2006
It's work. Hooray, work!

It's nearly 11 PM. I'm a three-and-a-half-hour drive away from home. We're still not done installing this office.

And I don't get overtime...

Edit: Finally got home Friday night around 10 PM. A 53-hour work week... and Monday was a holiday.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Saturday, 7 January 2006
Random thought
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

The other night, Pierce Brosnan was on The Daily Show, sporting a new look for a film that's currently in production:

Pierce Brosnan

As soon as he stepped out on stage, I thought:

Pierce Brosnan as Oliver Queen, aka the Green Arrow

Is it just me?

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 11 January 2006
I call shenanigans!
Cup of Rum

In a story on the one-eyed kitten:

AP regional photo editor Tom Stathis said he took extensive steps to confirm the one-eyed cat was not a hoax. Stathis had Allen ship him the memory card that was in her camera. On the card were a number of pictures -- including holiday snapshots, and four pictures of a one-eyed kitten. The kitten pictures showed the animal from different perspectives.

Fabricating those images in sequence and in the camera's original picture format, from the varying perspectives, would have been virtually impossible, Stathis said.

First off, if someone were skilled enough to sculpt a one-eyed kitten and punch hair into it, it would be trivial to simply take photos of it from different angles.

Secondly, anyone seeing the current incarnation of King Kong cannot help but realize that it's possible to generate exceptionally realistic computer models, fur and all — and once accomplished, it would be extremely simple to render such a model into a real-world scene in the same image format and resolution as a camera's images (including the characteristics of the specific camera's CCD and lens distortion), add the appropriate EXIF data to the image, and simply overwrite existing files on the memory stick.

"Virtually impossible" my ass. "Hey, it's a JPEG, and the file names have the right sequence numbers in them. It must be real!" (Mind you, I have no opinion regarding whether or not the cyclops kitten is real; I'm just scoffing at the "extensive steps" Tom Stathis took to authenticate the images.)

Posted by godfrey (link) — 5 comments
Thursday, 12 January 2006
I laughed and laughed

Check out some of the signage in this Fark comment thread. Comedy gold, Jerry!

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Friday, 13 January 2006

The Sci Fi Channel will be running the new Doctor Who starting in March. Well, last year's Doctor Who, but it's better than nothing.

Mmmm... Companions...

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Monday, 16 January 2006
Stupid plastic piece of crap!

Stopped by CompUSA yesterday to get a hands-on look at the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet. As soon as I saw it on the cover of Linux Journal I wanted one, but some of the claims in the article didn't appear to be borne out in the specs listed on Nokia's site. Reviews of it online ranged from raves to pans, so I wanted to test-drive it myself.

I'll spare you the geekery, but in synopsis it's beautiful, very nice to look at. If it were limited to the built-in apps, I could never justify buying one to replace my Palm PDA; it's very firmly positioned as an Internet device, so it lacks a number of the built-in apps I need on a day-to-day basis: calendar, to-do list, contact manager, a decent calculator with conversion functions. Fortunately, though, it's running a version of Debian Linux, so there are already a number of decent apps already ported — including a PIM with calendar, to-do list and contact manager.

I'd definitely want one, but not until after the England trip. Unless my T5 meets with a horrible accident, or something even better comes out between now and then.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Tuesday, 17 January 2006
Chindogu or not chindogu?

A couple of weeks ago, I learned the term chindogu — an "unuseless" invention, something that theoretically serves a purpose but which one would find too embarrassing to actually use. For example, a T-shirt with a numbered grid on the back which you could use to tell someone exactly where to scratch; or chopsticks with a small electric fan attached, to cool your noodles without having to blow on them.

While searching for more info on the Nokia 770, I came across this, and I'm not sure whether it's useful or unuseless: a combination cellphone/glucose meter.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Wednesday, 18 January 2006
My own personal sitcom
Cup of Rum

This morning, my cellphone rang. It displayed the number of one of our techs. I'll call him "Elvis" to protect his identity.

Me: Hello? ... Hello. ... Elvis? ... Elvis, hello. ... Elvis!

Elvis: Hello, Jeff?

Me: Yes.

Elvis: What?

Me: You tell me, dude; you called me.

Elvis: Oh yeah.

He then proceeded to tell me about his attempts to diagnose a bad hard drive in a RAID array, including his call to Dell tech support.

Elvis: he said we need to keep up to date on our BIOS patches.

Me: No. We don't update BIOS patches unless they've been thoroughly tested and approved by both the State and our QA people.

Elvis: Uh-oh.

Me: What do you mean, "Uh-oh"?

Elvis: Nothing.

Me: Did you update the BIOS?

Elvis: Uh, no.

Me: Well, you said, "Uh-oh."

Elvis: Yeah, that was about something else. I gotta go.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Friday, 20 January 2006
O for genetic memory
Spike Jones 2

...then I could understand lyrics like this:

Donald was mumpit wi' mirds and mockery
Donald was blindid wi' blads o' property
Arles ran high, but makin's war naethin', man
Lord, how Donald is flytin' an' frettin', man

My panis dois exceid, as they say.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Oh yes. Now this is nice.
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

Yesterday, I went ahead and bought a Nokia 770. Last one in the store (Tampa was completely sold out). The Tallahassee store was sold out of car chargers and RS-MMC (memory cards), thanks to other purchasers of the 770. That turned out to be a good thing, though, as I found a 1GB card online for less than the store wanted for a 512MB stick.

Overall, I'm greatly pleased with it. It does what it's designed for quite well — but it's the other stuff that gets me all a-tingle.

If you enter just a forward slash in the Web browser's address bar, you can see the root of the filesystem (click for full-sized images):

Web browser

Mmmm, Linux! With the addition of xterm and the use of a utility normally used for flashing the firmware, you can have complete control of the box in a root shell:

I am in command here!

The neatest part of the device is its wireless support. It's got a fantastic receiver; it picks up many more wireless access points than my laptop. This apartment complex is pretty techy, apparently; standing in the parking lot in the midst of several buildings, I pick up quite a few signals:

Who needs a Pringles can?

Well, I guess they're not that techy, after all, since about half the routers are left unsecured. Anyway, I think this is a long enough entry; while this 770 is nice, I'm much quicker using a real keyboard. Hmmm... I wonder how much a Bluetooth keyboard costs?

Update: I'd also like to say, it's got an impressive-looking Mahjongg game amongst the built-in games.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Friday, 27 January 2006
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

Here I am, eating lunch downtown with my beautiful wife. And blogging, just because I can. Muah hah hah.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Sunday, 29 January 2006

This week, I ordered an RS-MMC (Reduced Size Multi-Media Card). Below is a picture of the card itself (on the right, mainly on the G key) sitting next to the package it came in. I can't help but think perhaps it could have come in a slightly more efficient box.

Big... Small.  Big... Small.

That's about a 7,350:1 volume ratio right there.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Mmmm... beer...

I used to hate beer, up until a couple of years ago. That was when I discovered that beer didn't have to taste like Budweiser and Coors. Thank you, Victor, for introducing me to Trois Pistoles, my personal gateway to the wonderful world of beers that don't resemble having sex in a canoe.

Last weekend, we went down to ArtSci, and spent the night with The Lunchbox and Lisabetta. Karen and I really miss the some of the gustatory experiences available in Tampa, so our hosts were kind enough to go with us to Der Schnitzelhaus. Alas, accordion-playing Inga wasn't there that evening. Chef Mike spent most of the evening ignoring The Lunchbox when he visited our table, but then he turned right to him and busted out a joke about the Nazis invading France. And then turned the Apfelstrudel into a dis on Democrats. Maybe it was the fact that The Lunchbox was the only one at the table drinking wine instead of beer; I don't know. But The Lunchbox was admirably restrained, and didn't go Maquis on Chef Mike's ass.

Tangent: Speaking of the French, last week I downloaded an interesting e-book version of a pamphlet originally produced by the US government: 112 Gripes about the French.

Anyway, back to the original topic: I tried a new beer at Der Schnitzelhaus, which immediately became one of my favorites: Köstritzer Schwarzbier. I'm surprised, since as a general rule I've found that I tend to prefer the heavier flavor of ales, but this one's actually a lager. (Interesting trivia from Wikipedia: Köstritzer Schwarzbier has been made since 1543; one of its most famous drinkers was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.)

Now to see if I can find a source in Tallahassee...

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments
I'll quit boring you.
Taters RSS feed icon

I know very few people who read this care about the narrative of my exploration of my Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, so I'll be doing that sort of posting here instead.

I created that blog just prior to the 48 Hour Film Project, during which Duck Sauce was made, but I never actually posted anything on it. So now it'll serve as my 770-related weblog, my LiveJournal account will be used for my expression of Chris Carter Syndrome ("I made this!"), and this one will be used for everything else.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Tuesday, 31 January 2006
Crack me this Nut
Spike Jones 1

Why does a driver's license cease being a valid form of identification when it expires? Yes, it no longer permits one to operate a motor vehicle, but does one's name magically change once that fateful date is passed? Does the picture suddenly resemble someone entirely different than the person it's not a good likeness of? Do I care that I just ended that sentence with a preposition?

(Not my license, BTW; working where I do, it's no longer a hassle to renew my card(s) or tag — well, except for the fact that they don't take plastic, and there's no ATM in the building.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Suffering for my Art

The only thing worse than the way cold Chef Boy-ar-dee ravioli feels as you squish it between your fingers... is the way it smells.

Also, cold Chef Boy-ar-dee ravioli mixed with apples and pears smells like the guts of a pumpkin. I do not know why this should be, but it is.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments