Jeff Lee
Quick Site Index
Personal Information and Hobbies
   * The obligatory Stuff About Me
   * Ray-Traced Images
   * Society for Creative Anachronism
         * Calligraphy
         * Costuming
         * Music of the Renaissance
   * Weird Photography
   * Computer Typography

The Cult of Power and Greed
   * Information about the cult of Scientology
   * Secret documents seized from Scientology by the FBI

Science Fiction
   * The Interocitor Homepage
   * The Tenctonese alphabet from Alien Nation
   * Borg 95 -- Resistance is futile!
   * A joke in the Klingon language

Old Texts and Books
   * Funeral Teares: lute songs by John Coprario (1606)
   * The Dancing Master by John Playford (1653)
   * The Cobler Turned Courtier (1680)
   * Rules... for Children to write by by F.B. (1611)
   * Ancient Ballads from various sources
   * Letter from Elizabeth I to the Mayor of London (1586)
   * Ale-House Licence from the reign of Charles I (1625-1649)
   * Latin Mottoes from 16th-century sources
   * London ferry rates circa 1555.
   * Text of John Wilbye's First Set of English Madrigals (1598).
   * The Sea-Gunner, by John Seller (1691).
   * The Seamans Grammar, by John Smith (1691). [PDF]
   * Sixteenth-century jokes, from two jest-books (1535, 1595)

   * Potted Meat Food Product
   * An excerpt from the Book of Mozilla
   * Amusing excerpts from legal depositions
   * You Know You've Been Raytracing Too Long When...
   * Usenet, AD 1540
   * My humble Oracularities collection
   * All your incunabula are belong to us!
   * A Modest Proposal upon the Chief Wahoo Controversy

Esoteric Computer Information
   * Information on programming the Sound Blaster FM chips
   * Zoomer-class PDA interrupts
   * Running Passport music software under OS/2
   * Tutorial on brick patterns for POV-Ray
   * Tutorial on the POV-Ray matrix keyword

Exceptionally Out-of-date Information
   * A hierarchical index of this site (way out of date)
   * What used to be new on this site, once upon a time.

Personal Information
Email Email Email address: <>
Click here for my out-of-date PGP public key.
What used to be my public FTP site is here.
My experiment at keeping a blog is here.
If you really must see pictures of me,
click here, here, here or even here.

Geek Code v3.1 (Click here for the decoded version.):
GCS/MU/FA/PA d s: a C++++ UA P+++ L E- W+++ N+
o++ K+++ w+++(---)$ O++ M V+ PS+ PE Y+ PGP t-(++)
5++ X- R tv b++ DI++++ D G++ e>++ h--- r++ y+++
Who am I? Professionally, I'm a computer programmer, network administrator, graphic designer, and (when the office is swamped) proofreader. I started programming for fun in 1977, and have been doing it for a living since 1989.

On the side, I'm a musician, artist, calligrapher, costumer, Trek geek, amateur photographer, and to my surprise, an anti-cult activist as well.

A lot of my free time is spent in the Society for Creative Anachronism, wherein some of my above interests find expression, and I also pursue an interest in Renaissance dancing.

Alien Nation
well, you're afraid of getting older
but I'm afraid I'll never die
I'll have to watch the same
   stupid things over and over
that make each generation cry
-- maggie council
    from time between the nights

Blue Ribbon Campaign for Free Speech Online
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