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The Prices and Rates that
euerye perticuler person ovveth to pay for his fayre or passage,
vnto Watermen or Whyrrymen from Londõ to Graues=
ende, and likewise from Grauesende to London, and to
euery commen landyng place, betwene the sayd two places, and the
rates and pryces also of an hole fare in a Whyrye, Tylte
Bote, or tyde Bote, to and from any of the said
places hereafter breyfelye
From Lon
don to
A Passenger in the common Bardge. ii d.
Grauesend      In a Tylte Boate with foure ores. iiii.d.
  Item for the hole fare of a Whyrye to or fro eyther
of the sayde places.

and grayes
A passinger in a tyde boate so that there be twelue
in numbre.

The hole fare of a Tylte boate with iiii. ores and a steresman. vi.s
And of a Whyrrye with two ores. xx.d.
Purflete.    A passinger in a tyde bote so there be ten in number. i.d.
The hole fare of a tylt boate with foure ores and a steresman. v.s
A Whyrrey with two ores. xviii.d.
Raynam &
   A passynger in the tyde Bote. 1.d.
The hole fare of a tylte boate with foure ores & a steresman. v.s.
And of a Whyrrey with two ores. xvi.d
Wolwich.    A passinger in the tyde Boate. i.d.
The hole fare of a Whyrrey with two ores. xii.d
The whole fare of a whyrrey with ii.ores with the tyde. viii.d
And agaynst the tyde. xii.d.
From Rat
life to gren
     The hole fare of a Whyrrey with ii.ores with the tyde. iiii.d.
And agaynst the tyde. vi.d
From lon=
don to Rat
life or lyme
The hole fare of a Whyrrey with two ores with the tyde. iiii.d.
And agaynst the tyde. vi.d.
From Liõ
key or S.
The hole fare of a whyrrey with two ores to .S Katerins or Rad=
ryffe or other places of lyke dystaunce.

A commer
into ani boa
te by the
    No person that shal come a borde of any of the said boates by the
way betwene London and Grauesend, shall paye for hys fare aboue
the pryce afore lymytted.

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