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Villa Nottingham ss.   WHereas at the generall Seßions of the Peace holden for the County of the Towne of Nottingham the          day of          in the yeere of the Reigne of our Souereigne Lord Charles, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland; Defender of the Faith, &c. The                  of the Towne of Nottingham aforesaid,                  hath entred into Recognizance with Sureties, before vs his Maiesties Iustices of Peace, within the said County, whose Names are here-vnder written: We therefore his Maiesties said Iustices, haue hereby Licenced, and allowed the said                  to keepe a Common Ale-house, or Victualing-house, in the House wherein he now dwelleth, in the Towne of Nottingham aforesaid, for one whole yeere, from from henceforth next ensuing, or till such other time as shall be by vs, or some of our fellow Iustices thereunto appointed; Prouided that if the said                  doe not from time to time during that time, well and truely obserue the Articles hereafter mentioned, then this Licence shall presently cease, and be vtterly voide.

FIrst, That the said                  shall not suffer any Stranger, or vnknowne Traueller, to Lodge, or Stay, in or about his House, aboue one Day and one Night, without making the same knowne foorthwith to the next Constable, or other Officer of this Towne, to the end that the said Stranger, of vnknowne Traueller may be examined, by some Iustice of Peace neere adioyning.
   2   Item, That he shall not suffer any playing at Cards, Tables, Dice, Bowles, Nine holes, or any other vnlawfull Game, or any Disorder, or Outrage in his House, Orchard, Garden, or Back-side, but shall keepe good Order and Rule in his said House.
   3   Item, That he shall not suffer any neighbours Children or Seruants to Tipple in his House at all, nor any other to Tipple in his house, otherwise then by the Statutes are allowed,
   4   Item, that he doe not suffer any to Tipple in time of Prayer, or Sermon, on any Sabbath or Festiuall dayes, nor at any time after eight a clocke at Night.
   5   Item, that he shall not harbour any Rogues, Vagabonds, Masterlesse men, nor other suspicious Persons, in or about his House.
   6   Item, that he shall not Buy or take to Pawne, or suffer to be Bought or taken to Pawne in his House (to his knowledge) any goods of any vnknowne Traueller, or of any Neighbors children, or Seruants, or of any mans Wife, without the consent of their Parents, Masters, or husbands respectiuely, and if any such Goods be offered to Sale, or Pawne, by any Stranger, he shall make the same knowne forthwith to the next Constable, or other Officer of the Towne.
   7   Item, that he doe not sell his best Drinke aboue Foure pence the Gallon, nor the second sort aboue Two pence the Gallon, nor suffer any Flesh-victuals to be Dressed or Eaten in his House in Lent, or on any other dayes prohibited by the Lawes of this Realme.
   8   Item, that he shall not suffer any Baudry, or dishonest Meetings, in or about his house, nor shall procure or cause to be Inticed any man to drinke in his house, vntill he shall be Drunke, or distempered with Drinke.
   9   Item, that he shall not suffer any Fidling, Piping, or Dancing, in or about his house, on any Sabbath day, nor in time of Diuine Seruice, or Sermon, on any Festiuall day, or Holy-day.
  10   Item, that he shall cause this Licence to be openly fixed vp in the Hall-Roome of his dwelling House, to the end that euery one may see what Articles he is bound to obserue.    Dated the day and yeere first aboue written.

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