I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 8 June 2005
Fun With Food

Q: How do you know when blue cheese is past its prime?
A: It gets all fuzzy. And extra moldy.

Actual warning on a box of frozen salmon in my freezer: "CONTAINS FISH".

Posted by ginevra (link)
I should hope it has fish in it. What else? Jugged hare? Or Spam?
Are we bored? Heehee
Actually, there was a problem with the code on my blog, so when we fixed it, it spammed the LJ syndication feed. So it looks like I'm bored!
I shall dub you: Mistress spam-alot :-). Get it? Huh? Huh? Like Sir mix-alot but not. Heehee.

I enjoyed the reading and didn't mind the spam at all.
I've been called worse! :)
Heeheehee. You so funny, missy ;-)