I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 25 August 2004
"You think it's chocolate milk, but it's watered down Yoo Hoo"
Beastie Boys

I'm being punished for saying bad things about Tampa - the Beastie Boys will be there Tuesday, October 19! The show starts at 7:30, so I'd have to cut Romantic Lit to make it down there on time...not to mention being in no shape to teach the next day...someone please tell me how I'm being noble by not going to the concert - and tell me quick, the tickets go on sale tomorrow and I might change my mind!

P.S. - I'm surviving teaching, details to follow once I'm done feeling sorry for myself on missing said B Boys concert.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Checka-checka-check it out; Tampa's the place with the Beastie B,
with the King Ad-Rock, MCA and Mike D,
bringing down the house nearly all night long,
throwing kegs of 'Monkey like in Donkey Kong!
Bwa ha ha! Brilliant!