I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 23 August 2004
school of rock
amadeus grad school writing

Had a great weekend with a visit to the old stomping grounds. The lot of us found this great little Greek restaurant down in Ybor City. Good food and a belly dancer that made the evening quite entertaining. We will be back. Add to that more good food, the company of great friends, and some shopping - how could you go wrong? You should see the way-cool hat I got! Also picked up a couple of skirts to expand my hip-college-English-teacher-mix-and-match wardrobe. The purpose of the visit was to get the last of our belongings out of storage and up here in our new home. Yes, we're still unpacking and getting settled. Yes, we do have too much stuff, you can go ahead and say it, and yes, I'm trying to get rid of some of it.

The fall semester starts today and thus my career as a teacher begins. I hope teaching and I get along, or the next couple of years are going to suck. I'm trying not to get nervous...the first day should be the easiest. I've been afraid that I'm going to forget something vital, or maybe show up on the wrong day, the usual stuff. At any rate, I've been taking comfort in my advanced age, which I hope will come in handy for dealing with the task of teaching. Unfortunately the past two week break between semesters has lulled me into sleeping late (late for me being 8 a.m.), but excitement or nerves has me up early, have no fear.

P.S. - I have been informed that I am weird. Apparently I'm the only person who has fried chicken and donuts for breakfast and who says things about "boy cat nipples". Please make a note of it.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Oh, oh, do you play count the nipples too? (with cats of course!)
Hee hee - "nipple" is a funny word.

I am 7.
You? Weird? Shock and amazement over here.

Of course, takes one to know one. *smirk*
I know! Can you believe it? :)
So actually, I just googled "boy cat nipples" and found your page.
Yes on the donuts for breakfast, and also on the fried chicken but only if it's cold.