I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 1 July 2004
Blog Goulash
Drew Mask

I can't believe that I posted the address for this old blog on an on-line class discussion. I was encouraged because Lucy Lunchmeat posted hers. Now they're all going to find out I like hockey and the Beastie Boys right off the bat. So I'll just have to try to create extra-sparkling, error-free prose, just in case my fellow students stop by. One student came out as a Republican in class yesterday - that was pretty brave, and he didn't get any flak for it. Another came out in that same on-line class discussion as being a fan fic writer. So at least I'm not the only geek.

The rolling terrain here on campus should, at the very least, contribute to better calves and buns. It better. All this walking is kicking my ass. I have to leave for my classes early so I don't show up to them all red faced and winded.

One of the library workers is walking about in a very agitated fashion pushing all the unoccupied chairs back under the desks. Why is he so upset?

Among the more interesting things I've seen written in concrete are "JEB sucks", and "Reagan Kills". I wonder if there is any anti-Clinton rhetoric scratched in stone somewhere? Further research is necessary.

Posted by ginevra (link)