I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 7 April 2004
sands emma holding her head

It's apparently true - I'm not getting any younger. My doctor, Dr. Heavyaccent, had the nerve to say this to me as she pointed to my age, written in a large scrawl across the top of my chart.

Needless to say, I'm looking for another doctor. But that's the subject of another entry.

So here I am, hurtling madly toward middle age, if I'm not there already, still don't own a house, no kids (that's something I'm happy about, actually), and I'm about to go to grad school - which will put us even farther from going to Europe, home ownership, and the other things one normally does when one is "not getting any younger".

I'm either stupid, crazy, or a free spirit. Possibly a combination of all three.

But I think I got the last laugh when dining out recently. I ordered a beer, and the waitress carded me. She apologized, saying that she had to card anyone that appeared to be under 30.

"I love you," I told her as I showed her my ID.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Could be worse. I've never been carded.


Not even as a 17 year old, ordering my very first drink-- a margarita.

I had to ask to be carded when I went to buy liquor the day I turned 21. I feel your pain!
I was terrified to buy liquor even after I turned 21. I was in Ky with a TX driver's license - I was afraid some hick would decide it was fake and cut it up since I don't look my age - yay sunblock!

I understand about "hurtling toward middle age" too. On the one hand, I'm happy to be getting older, since it means I'm still alive and the diabetes hasn't won yet, but on the other hand I'm watching all my friends buy houses, have children, etc. The kids thing doesn't bother me, the house does!
Got carded twice last weekend, after a couple months of not. Wheeeee!! I GO with my 33 y/o self =D
hey i live in singapore. the drinking age is 18, and i started drinking at 14. havn't been carded yet (xcept when i go clubbing). 15 now and fingers crossed.