I'll Say She Is!
Saturday, 17 January 2004
Generations of "fuck"

Yesterday, while I patiently waited in line at the Publix deli for my sandwich, behind me, a lady about ten years or so younger than me asked me what time it was. When I told her, she exclaimed "Oh, fuck!"

For some reason I was briefly startled by her exclamation, and then I wondered why. I use that word quite a bit myself, usually in conjuction with work. I think I was startled because also behind me was an older woman, much older than both of us. I think I must have had a flashback to my childhood days; "fart" was a bad word in our house and I didn't even encounter the "f word" until junior high. Shades of Ralphie in A Christmas Story" - "Oh, fuuuuuuuddgee...."

To this day I refrain from swearing in front of Mum, though I may have slipped and said "shit" in front of her. Maybe she didn't hear me. Anyway, this has all led me to wonder when "fuck" will become fully integrated into the language. I know my friends and I will continue to use the word, I don't think we'll stop swearing once we make it to the old folks' home, so perhaps it's only a matter of time.

Posted by ginevra (link)
We'll be the old grannies cursing the young kids at the mall - "pull up your pants you stupid fucker!" - while hoauling the day's sales around in our motorized Rascals.
Bwah ha ha ha ha!
My boss thinks it's hilarious that his son has been saying it since he was about 4. And the other broker's son's favorite movie is 'Scarface'.
Four is a little young to be indulging in the "F" word. Maybe it should be tied to driving or voting?