I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 6 August 2002
"You will be called 'Stitchface'."

I admit it. I'm not like most other girls. I love to watch football. And I don't watch it because the men are wearing tight pants. No, I enjoy the strategy, the violence, the epic struggle of offense vs. defense, etc. As I am from Northeast Ohio, my main team is the Browns. I cried when they were stolen away to Baltimore. I have taken the blood oath of revenge against Art Modell. I even called a local radio program to debate his son while he was doing a powderpuff, feel-good interview when the hated Ravens were in town for the Super Bowl early this year. (They didn't let me stay on the air too long - can you believe it?)

So of course I jumped at the chance to watch the first pre-season game on TV last night at Sev and Lisa's. Football at last - I was so forlorn without its comforting presence. The game was decent for pre-season, even in the second half when the third-stringers were in. (Of course, if they don't make the team, they can always fall back on those free college educations they got - right?) There were a couple of good commercials promoting the up-coming season. You could see the ESPN influence, for example, when two Miami Dolphin players were shown using a Flobee, or when several players were in the locker room conducting a boy-band fantasy league draft.

Speaking of ESPN, when will Chris Berman, aka Boomer, be put in the booth as a color commentator?

Posted by ginevra (link)