I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 22 April 2003
Sometimes Engineers Think Too Much

Engineering Guy: "We need you to scan in our ISO certificate!"

Me: "Okay, well, I think we have an image of that already scanned, it's in our Power Point presentation about the company."

Engineering Guy: "But that's blurry! We need a better copy!"

Me: "Okay, well, I can scan it, but if I scan it at a higher resolution, the file may be too big to e-mail."

Engineering Guy: "We're not going to e-mail it. We need to print it out and mail it."

Me: "Okay, well...maybe we could photocopy it on our color photocopier?"

Engineering Guy: "I'll see if that works."

Posted by ginevra (link)
I think we've finally discovered which company Dilbert works for.

Ahhhh ha ha ha ha! Oh my... *dashing away tears of laughter* "We'd like a paper copy of this piece of paper! How can we accomplish this?" "Paging Mr. Xerox..."

I laughed so hard!! Thanks!!

oh. dear. god.

broom would say this is typical engineering attitude, using as much tech as possible to do the simplest thing.
oh that and the abilty to fix anything, including clothes, with duct tape. elastic in your underwear let loose before lunch? duct tape it!
Yeah, engineers have had half-hour discussions about the poorly designed paper tray on the copier, with proposals to fix it with duct tape, glue, etc. Usually the Engineering Wrangler (read: engineering admin. ass't) chases them away.