Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 2 August 2006

If I never see another box again, it will still be too soon.

On the bright side, my cow-orkers are throwing a going-away party for me tomorrow. That makes me happy; people barely said goodbye to the Überboss when he left to spread the Word of Jesus to the global yachting community. It's nice to be liked.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Monday, 7 August 2006

Truck is loaded and away. I hurt.

On a completely unrelated topic, why do I like Rescue Me? Every single character in it makes me want to slap him (or her) repeatedly while screaming "What the hell is wrong with you?" When presented with a choice of actions, every character unfailingly selects the worst course possible. And yet I really like the show.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Wednesday, 9 August 2006
On the Road

I'd hoped to be in Tennessee before we stopped for the night, but we got a rather late start and ended up in Montgomery, Alabama. Found a La Quinta that was pet-friendly. Had a hard time getting to sleep, with one car full of computers and the other one full of guitars, but eventually managed to drop off. Next thing I knew, the alarm was going off.

The drive up wasn't too bad, apart from the tropical-storm-like deluge that hit just as we were trying to get gas. As we sat in the cars waiting for the rain to let up enough to get out, the power went out at the station. We drove on, found another station. Managed to get gas, and check/fill the tires on one car, and then the power went out at that station before I could fill the other car's tires.

Normally I sing to keep myself awake. With the cats' carriers stacked up in the passenger seat, any noise on my part — a sneeze, a cough, or especially singing — caused a chorus of frantic meows.

Well, time to get on the road again. Another ten or eleven hours of driving (ideally — as long as we don't run into any more storms...)

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments
Monday, 14 August 2006
Back in the world
Spike Jones 1

Piles of boxes in the house, but at least we're starting to make it a home. It'll take a lot of work before everything's good, though; the landlord's security deposit policy is: you get it back if there are no roaches in the house. So the last tenants didn't clean the ancient oven or the fridge, the bathroom looks like it's out of a third-world country, the basement (my office) has holes in the walls (and half the walls are made of bifold closet doors instead of drywall).

Thanks to my brother, we got all the boxes moved out of the truck in less than 24 hours, and he got me up to speed on how to replace the wiring in the walls (as the house was wired for ungrounded two-prong outlets, very bad for computers). The two of us rewired the living room and Karen's office, then I rewired the downstairs yesterday. I also put in a CAT-5 cable running from Karen's office, where the cablemodem hookup is, to my office. That was much less hassle than I expected.

My brother's offered to drive down again to help me replace the walls downstairs. I'm thinking of remodeling the basement in a '60s mod style. Lava lamps, shag carpet, psychedelic blacklight posters (or is that more of a '70s thing?)... I'd love to get my hands on a set of Burke chairs.

Thanks so much to the friends who emailed hoping we'd had a safe journey, or who asked us to call when we arrived so they'd stop worrying. You guys are the best.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Tuesday, 15 August 2006
Wow, that's harsh.

"To operate a vehicle in the State of Indiana, a person must have a valid Indiana driver license issued by the BMV applicable to the type of vehicle being operated." (emphasis mine)

Dang, most states have a reciprocal driver license policy.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Friday, 18 August 2006
Awesome! ...and ugh.
Cup of Rum

I made my first eBay purchase today: a set of vintage 1960 chairs and matching table, all in Fine condition, made by Burke Furniture of Dallas, Texas. Even at the "Buy It Now!" price, the set was a steal (when looking for them online, I found single chairs going for as high as $1200, or as low as $325 in Poor condition).

I began looking for them because I'm a big fucking Star Trek geek (they're the chairs used in the original series, as well as a bunch of other '60s and early '70s shows), but they'll be perfect for my planned '60s Mod renovation of my basement lair.

The downside is that the guy won't ship, so I get to make a road trip next weekend. To Cape Cod.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Saturday, 19 August 2006
Snakes! On a plane!
It Stinks!

Karen and I took a break after unpacking and painting to go see Snakes on a Plane. Apart from the rather ridiculous premise that a gangster would try to kill a murder witness by unleashing a crate of poisonous snakes onto a plane — rather than, say, just blowing the plane up — it wasn't bad for a typical summer popcorn flick. And I was pleased to note that I got most of the major plot points right, though it wasn't a King Cobra, and obviously William Shatner was not in the cast.

But an added bonus was the trailer for Tenacious D in 'The Pick of Destiny'. Clearly, it's not a movie for everyone: while Karen and I, both familiar with the oeuvre of JB and KG, laughed our way through the trailer; when it was over, though, a prim-sounding woman behind us sniffed, "I didn't think it looked that funny."

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 23 August 2006

Star Trek inspirational posters. The first one made me laugh out loud.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments