I had lunch with Sid today. Her phone call inviting me to a prandial adventure was quite fortuitous - I make it my business to vacate the cubicle for the noontime hour, but was without a specific course of action on this particular Friday.
We talked about candid photography, a vacation that a Yosemite Sam Pez dispenser took some years back, alternative religious practices, and more. What I liked most (probably because it put me in a favorable light) was Sid's theory of blogging. She says (and I'm paraphrasing, because we were in a New Age book shop at the time, and the combination of candles and incense gives me a real buzz) that people start blogs because they sense a certain void in their lives that they want to fill via communication. "For instance, you feel a void at work. However, some people, their whole lives are voids; I can't stand to read those blogs. That's why yours is the only blog I read."
Actually, my job isn't all that bad, but there is some really funny stuff that goes on here that needs sharing. I am really relieved to know that, in Sid's eyes anyway, I don't have a tragic blog.