I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 16 June 2005
It all makes sense now
Inigo Montoya sums it up

For anyone involved in Sci-Fi cons, gaming, LARP, and, especially, the SCA, "Five Geek Social Fallacies" posted on "Plausibly Deniable" is a must read. (Link found on Cranky Pants.) Suddenly, much of the weird behavior makes lots of sense. The first three Fallacies are especially noticable in SCA culture, and the counter-fallacy "Your Feelings, Your Problem" is also highly evident. And before you go thinking I'm talking about someone specific and I'm trying to send some sekrit message, I do think I've been guilty of at least one of those at one time or another. I think we all can learn from this, so don't get your trews all in a wad.

Posted by ginevra (link)
*That* gave me a great chuckle!
Thank you, it was a fun way to end the class day :-D.
I also forgot to add: Yes, everyone CAN learn a lesson from that.
That was the smartest thing I have read in ages! Thank you for sharing!

Hmmm... weren't we just discussing someone like this over e-mail?
Oh my. Good stuff, and getting linked post-haste.

(Do I see some of myself in there? Er, yeah, but I'm getting better. GSF4 used to be a problem of mine...)
Holy Crap.
Yeah, I was introduced to it about a year ago. It was pretty amusing and highly applicable to SCA.